Ok so now for the title of the blog. The reason for the Bible Trivia is because I sent Joseph loads of questions from the Tidbit papers. So I thought I would let you in on the trivia. I also found a website for more then just Bible Trivia. It has all of the scriptures.
1. Is the book of Tamar in the Old or New Testament or neither.
2. 2 Kings 19 and which other book's chapter are almost alike word for word?
A. Deuteronomy 7
B. Isaiah 37
C. Jeremiah 50
D. Job 16
3. From Genesis 29, which of Jacob's wives was first to bear children?
A. Leah
B. Naomi
C. Bilhah
D. Zilpah
4. Of these, who stole idols from her father?
A. Elisabeth
B. Martha
C. Rachel
D. Deborah
5. In Acts 22, what famous Rabbi was Paul's teacher?
A. Hillel
B. Turkel
C. Zakkai
D. Gamaliel
6. From Genesis 4, who onvented farming?
A. Adam
B. Cain
C. Abel
D. Jubal
7. Is the book of Exodus in the Old or New Testament or neither?
8. 1 Corinthians 14 is known as the chapter of "what"?
A. Faith
B. Hope
C. Love
D. Pardon
9. How old was Joseph when he died?
A. 100
B. 110
C. 125
D. 155
10. What was Hosea's wife's name?
A. Sarai
B. Elizabeth
C. Gomer
D. Martha
11. Who was Saul's father?
A. Abijal
B. Kish
C. Joshua
D. Ahab
12. What's the 8th book of the Bible (KJV)?
A. Joshua
B. Judges
C. Ruth
D. 1 Samuel
13. Is the Book of 1 Peter in the Old or New Testament or neither?
14. In Matthew 13, what baking item does Jesus compare to the kingdom of Heaven?
A. Eggs
B. Milk
C. Salt
D. Yeast
15. According to Jeremiah, where does one go to find balm?
A. Corinth
B. Joppa
C. Derbe
D. Gilead
16. From Micah 7:19, where does God place forgiven sins?
A. Depths of sea
B. Heathen hearts
C. Past the stars
D. Fiery pits
17. Who tested the will of the Lord with a fleece?
A. Jehu
B. Gideon
C. Amos
D. Ahaziah
18. On which "Mount" did King Saul die?
A. Sinai
B. Moriah
C. Pisgah
D. Gilboa
19. Is thebook of Luke in the Old or New Testament or neither?
20. From Matthew 1:18. when Mary because pregnant, she and Joseph were what?
A. Married
B. Engaged
C. Just friends
D. Stangers
21. For the journey to Bethlehem, how did Mary and Joseph travel?
A. Bible not specific
B. Walked
C. Rode donkey
D. Boat
22. At the birth of Jesus, who was king of Judaea?
A. Solomon
B. Herod
C. Balak
D. Belshazzar
23. What was the home city of Mary and Joseph?
A. Capermaum
B. Nazareth
C. Aphek
D. Shechem
24. Of these which wasn't a gift from the wise men?
A. Silver
B. Myrrh
C. Gold
D. Frankincense
How many did you get right. Hope you had fun seaching the scriptures. Answers will be in the next blog post.
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