Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Lord hears and answers us

I am so thankful that they Lord answers prayers. Even though at times we think he is ignoring us. Yesterday I talked with my brother, Joseph, and he told me that the Stake President emailed our dad saying that Joseph's mission papers are once again moving forward. It has been 6-7 weeks ago that Joseph sent his papers in. He got a message back saying that he has to lose weight. He was so devastated. Satan worked hard on him these past few weeks. Well after yesterday, he stood taller and had a happier tone in his voice. He asked me about getting the school for his farewell lunch/dinner. He asked. Of course I already had talked to our mom and we were planning on getting it. I've had it reserved since August. I am so Proud of him. He is my Big Little brother. He is my example, my friend, and my brother all rolled into one. I love him and I know that he will be such a wonderful missionary. I hope for the best. I love the Lord and the gospel. It is my rock and salvation. The Lord is my Redeemer. So once again I am thankful that the Lord answers prayers and that He is there for us when we need Him.

Well other then that. Eric and I have been plugging along with work. It goes by fast. I am not doing After School this year. Less money, but more time with my wonderful husband. We looking forward to the day that Joseph leaves on his mission and we are also taking December 7th off. It's a random day and we are going to enjoy it together. We are also planning our Annual Family Christmas Party. So we have lots to look forward and another great year of school. Hope everyone is well and enjoying this fall season.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This post is to catch up

Well school has started and we have been in for a while. Spud Harvest is over with and we are now looking forward to Halloween. Parent Teacher Conference is next week. I love having the same days off as Eric. It is so fun to hang out and relax with him. I really missed that when he worked out at the site. I DON'T miss waking up at 3 in the morning just so he can get ready for work. It's nice to sleep in. This year we get 3 days of for Thanksgiving. Christmas break we get out on December 20th and go back on January 3rd. We are going to take a random day off and spend time together.

Scott and Andy still live with us. It makes for a long day when either one is grouchy. Andy has been so bored lately that he has cleaned. My bathroom is spotless. Scott all he does is work, then he comes home and plays on his computer. So living with 3 guys is really a challenge. It reminds me of the movie 3 Men and a Little Lady. But instead of Little Lady, it's just Lady.

Another thing has happened in my family. My brother Joseph has put in his mission papers and is waiting for his mission call. So exciting!!!

My sister Selina found out what they are having. They are having a baby girl at the end of February. So then they will have 1 boy and 1 girl. I will then have 3 nieces and 2 nephews.

We got a cat. It adopted us. So we named it Alisha. So is a gray, black and white striped cat. I love her. She keeps biting the guys though. He He He. She must hate guys.

Other than that, we are justing plugging along with work and family. Keeping busy. Enjoying our time together. Living life.