Answers: 1. neither
2. B - Isaiah 37
3. A - Leah
4. C - Leah
5. D - Gamaliel
6. B - Cain
7. Old
8. C - Love
9. B - 110
10. C - Gomer
11. B - Kish
12. C - Ruth
13. New
14. D - Yeast
15. D - Gilead
16. A - Depths of sea
17. B - Gideon
18. D - Gilboa
19. New
20. B - Engaged
21. A - Bible not specific
22. B - Herod
23. B - Nazareth
24. A - Silver
Ok so now on to our lives. Well school has ended and Eric is looking for summer work. May 20, 2011 Adams had Field Day.

The dunking tank. 4th grade was allowed to be dunked.

Steve Gentile. Adams Principal. What a sport.

He tried catching himself.

The students met their reading goal. So Steve shaved an "A" in the back of his head. He also kissed a pig. I didn't get a picture of that.

Our most wonderful PTO President. Suzanne Short.

My lunchroom at the end of the day. Don't worry it got clean. Steve did a good job.
Have enjoyed sleeping in the past few days. We went up to Driggs for Memorial weekend and had a BBQ with Michelle and Selina and their families. It's was lots of fun. My parents took off to Colorado with my mom's aunt for Memorial weekend. They had a good time. Desiree and her family went camping for Memorial weekend. And of course Joseph is in Michigan. So the rest of us got together. Not much is going on here at the McCoy house. It's summer so the days are going by slow, but that's ok. But that's all for now. So hope everyone is have a nice summer.