Joseph 2009 on Santa's lap. (This is the only decent picture that I have and I wanted to include a picture of him.)
Eric and I have been sick witht he cold. Lucky we had 2 extra days off from school. We got SNOW DAYS!! 2 right in a row. Unheard of. Then we already had the next 3 days off for Thanksgiving break. Monday we go back to school. I can't believe that there are only 2 school days left of this month. December is coming WAY TOO FAST!!
Andy and Scott still live with us. Makes for long days most of the time. Maybe someday.
We spent Thanksgiving with my family this year. Then my mom asked if Eric and I wanted to go shopping on Black Friday with them. We did. We went to Idaho Falls so we can be at Super Walmart by 10pm Thanksgiving night. We didn't leave Walmart until 2 in the morning. We stood in the check out line for 2 hours. Then we went to Denny's. Never going there again. It was horrible. The food was ok, the service was horrible. We were there until 4:30. Then we went to Kmart for the 5am sale. Toy 'R' Us was next. Then Sportsman Warehouse. Then the Mall, then Porters. So it was a long day. We didn't get home until 8:30-9:00 in the morning. Eric fell asleep as soon as we got home. I stayed up for another hour, then fell asleep. Niegher one of us woke up until 2 in the afternoon. A few hours later we went out to Menan to see Eric's mom, Teresa. She had leftovers. So glad that there was no school. I would be so tired. My sister, Michelle, her husband Tom, and Joseph had to work until 5 and 6. My mom had to work at the Temple. So she was tired.
Now we are planning Christmas. We are having our Ward party on December 4th. December 11 we are having a Family Party. So Christmas is on its way. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.