Here are some pictures of a fire that happened before we left to go camping. Somewhere out at the INL a fire started. It burned 109,000 acres of land. Crazy.

This is the Rexburg Temple and the fire was in the west.

These 2 pictures are of the sky. A friend says that the sky is bruised.

This one is of the sun. Crazy!!!
Well it's been a long weekend. Last Thursday Eric and I went camping. Friday my sister, Selina and her family, Shad and Shon, my sister Michelle and her husband Tom, my brother Joseph and my parents, Milt and LuAnn came up. We had so much fun camping. We sure missed my other sister Desiree and her family, Carl, Kelty, Kassy and Chris. But boy was everyone tired when Sunday came around. Our camera broke, so I had to use my mom's camera. As soon as she gets those uploaded I will put them on. Saturday Eric drove a few of us to the creek and we got our feet wet. Eric slipped and stepped on a sharp rock. My parents brought up their 5th-wheel and that's what we slept in. Even though we did have a tent. Eric's back was bothering him. Friday we slept in the 5th-wheel again because of his back. Sauturday we slept in it again because of his foot. So we set our tent up for nothing, but that's okay. Thursday Eric and I were so bored that we thought we were going to go insane. Just before my parents left, my dad accidently stepped on his valve step for his tire. So then he had a flat tire and they ended up taking our car back to Rexburg. They didn't like that one bit. Friday morning Selina, Shad, and Shon followed my dad up because he had to get his truck. He didn't drive our car back, he drove their van. So our car stayed at my parents house all weekend. After my dad left Selina and I made sandwiches and then we all played games. We played Monopoly Deal (It's a Monopoly card game) and Killer Bunnies. That afternoon my parents came back up (instead of going to the Wilding reunion) with Michelle, Tom, and Joseph following. Then we set up 3 more tents, so there was 4 tents and a 5-wheel. Saturday Dad, Mom, Michelle, and Joseph left to come back to Rexburg because Mom and Michelle ordered Bountiful Baskets. While they were there, the witnessed a house getting burned to the ground. On the road where we live there was a house on the corner, well it was sold to the Pro-Rental place and they wanted the land so they can expand. Saturday they along with the Rexburg Fire Department burned it to the ground. As they were leaving the campsite, Selina, Shad, and Shon left to go to Ririe Days. Tom, Eric and I were the only ones left at camp. So we had some breakfast and were playing card games (Monopoly Deal and Phase 10) until Michelle, Dad, Mom and Joseph got back. Since the 3 of us already had breakfast, they cook breakfast for themselves. Joseph left after that to spend time with his friends. Mom took a nap while Michelle and I started things for Dutch Oven Pizza. Shad, Selina, and Shon came back and then while the pizza was cooking, Eric, Selina, Shon, Michelle, Mom, and I went to the creek. It was fun. While we were gone, Dad, Shad and Tom stayed at camp, while there a sudden gust of wind picked up the canopys, so lucky they were there to watch so they didn't fly away. We got back and finished making dinner, then we enjoyed dinner. Eric made his Chuckwagon to go with the pizza. We also had corn on the cob, chips, idiot salad, and many other things. Sunday Eric and I got up early and started taking down our stuff. We were finished before anyone else got up. Once everyone was awake we made breakfast and cleaned up. Eric and I were the 1st ones to leave, then the rest left shortly after that. When we got home, Andy had cleaned the living room and part of the kitchen. Since he didn't know where anything went, he put everything in our room a=on the floor and on the bed. That's not what I wanted to do when I got home. I was already hot and tired, and I just wanted to relax. Eric helped me out though. He helped me clean and we relaxed. I even put off laundry until today. So now laundry is done, the house is clean and I can relax. So it was a long and tiring, but fun weekend. Soon school will start and then we will be back in the routine of that. I will post pictures as soon as I get them. Hope everyone is safe and sound and enjoying the weather.
So when I get pictures of the house I will put them up as well. This house has been up ever since I was born. It was a little sad to hear that it was being burnt to a crisp. My family said that it was so HOT that they had to stand acrossed the street.