Monday, March 9, 2009

Food Storage

What a way to start the week. Our pipes are frozen! This is the first time all winter. I don't know what happened, but I do know that I am not worried about it. Scott is flipping out, but then again he flips over the smallest things. Boy am I a fan of storage. I have 4 2 Liter Bottles of water. Glad I saved some water. Hopefully we don't have to use it. So I will testify that storage is nice to have. Also this week my parents are leaving for Las Vegas. They are leaving Eric and I a cell phone, so we can keep in touch. My younger brother doesn't want us to stay at the house, he says that he is a big boy, so we will just keep an eye on things from our house. If the water thaws of course. If not, we may end up staying at the house. Who knows. My birthday is also this week. It's on Thursday. That's when my parents get back. We are celebrating it on Saturday though. So lots of things going on, but that's okay. It's nice to have stuff to do.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Early weekend

Well not much is happening here. Today is early out for Madison School District. It's the end of the Trimester. Also there is no school tomorrow, March 6, 2009. District Inservice. Yeah, a 3 day weekend. So exciting!! We also are going to a dance tomorrow night. Our ward is putting on a dance, and since we are part of the Activities Commitee I guess we better go. Eric is also putting the music together. We did this last year too, but we just had the adults come, this time it's for the whole family. Fun, fun.